Se realizan Jornadas de Investigación en Salud Pública 2018

Lectures on Public Health Research 2018


Last September 27 and 28 lectures on Public Health Research were carried out on the Center for Research and Development on Health Sciences (CIDICS). The lectures were organized by the Public Health Research Unit of CIDICS and the Sociedad Nuevoleonesa de Salud Pública A.C. (Public Health Society of the State of Nuevo León).

In the lectures, MD Dora Elia Cortés Hernandez, CIDICS Coordinator; MD Francisco Barrera Cortinas, Head of Innovación y Propiedad Intelectual; MD Ma. Leticia Hernández Arizpe, Representative of the Consejo Asesor Permanente; MD Manuel de la O. Cavazos, Secretary of Health of Nuevo León; and MD María Delia Téllez Castilla, Chairwomen of the Sociedad Nuevoleonesa de Salud Pública A.C., she carried out the inaugural conference: “Determinantes Sociales de la Salud y Políticas de Salud en México” (Social Determinants of Health and Health Politics in Mexico).

Lectures like: “El observatorio de Educación Médica y Derechos Humanos y la Observancia de los Derechos Humanos en Estudiantes de Medicina” given out by MD Christian Ortiz Chacha and MD María Cristina Ortiz León, researchers of the Public Health Institute and the Observatorio de Educación Médica y Derechos Humanos of the University of Veracruz; “Prioridades de Investigación en Salud Pública en México” by MD Dora Elia Cortés Hernández; and “Fortalecimiento de la Capacidad en Salud Pública” by MD Marcela Granados Shiroma were some of the lectures. Additionaly the workshops “Introducción al manejo del paquete estadístico SPSS y estadística descriptiva”, “Redacción de artículos científicos”, and “Metodología cualitativa para el desarrollo de proyectos de investigación”.

The second thematic table “Contaminación ambiental y su impacto en la salud” moderated by Lic. Arturo Delgado Pérez; MD Alfonso Martínez Muñoz mentioned Public Health Research as a tool to improve air quality. On that same table MD Raúl Gabino Salazar Montalvo spoke of global warming; MD Daniel Salas Limón spoke about topics related with water, urbanism, and public health on Monterrey; and lastly, MD Evangelina Ramírez Lara spoke about University Environment Management.

On the third thematic table “Enfermedades transmitidas por vector”, MD José Pablo Villarreal Villarreal participated as moderator and MD Rosa María Sánchez Casas spoke on the knowledge and attitudes on diseases transmitted by vectors and also on the control and prevention of vectors alternatives. Additionally, MD María de la Luz Vázquez Sauceda spoke of the Border impact on Diseases transmitted by vectors.
